Script - Antoniy Donchev, Ali Talib, Ivan Tonev
Cinematographer - Ivan Tonev
Music - Vladimir Dzhambazov
Cast - Soran Ebrahim, Violeta Markovska, Selim Akgul, Mihail Bilalov, Kristina Hristova Nikolova, Silviya Petkova, Blazhe Dimitrov, Yilmaz Yalcin
Producer - Ivan Tonev
Director - Antoniy Donchev
Продукция - ARS Ltd. Bulgaria
6 year old Azad (Kurd from Iraq) is engaged to Vian but the terrorist war separates them. 13 years later he meets her on his way to Europe and falls in love with her without recognizing she is his fiancée. But Vian thinks he was involved in her father’s murder and does not reveal herself to Azad, obsessed with the desire for revenge. He has to fight for her heart risking everything.


Romania ’15 – Best Director Cyprus ’15 – Best Leading Actress


  • 17.03.2016
    LUMIERE - 16.00 часа